Privately Owned ATV/SXS Riding – Term & Conditions for Peace River Oaks
Trail access is only available to current guests of Peace River Oaks. To ensure a safe, peaceful, and enjoyable environment for all guests, the following rules and guidelines govern the use of ATVs and side-by-side vehicles on the private trails at Peace River Oaks:
Vehicle Restrictions
Maximum Width Limit: Only off-road vehicles with a maximum width of 58 inches are permitted. No exceptions will be made. All vehicles must fit between the barricade at the trailhead.
Prohibited Vehicles: Dirt bikes, mini bikes, and three-wheelers are strictly prohibited.
Noise Restrictions: Loud vehicles, vehicles with modified exhaust systems, or any vehicles creating excessive noise are not allowed.
Registration and Fees
To limit trail traffic and noise, only 15 private off-road vehicles may be registered to ride per day. The daily fee for each vehicle is $20 and reservations can be made in advance and booked at All riders must register in advance or at the main office, sign a liability waiver, and collect a wristband that must be worn and visible at all times while on the trails.
Trail Conduct and Use
All riders must wear D.O.T. approved protective headgear designed for OHV/ATVs.
All riders under age 16 must also wear eye protection and over ankle boots.
Operators under age 16 are required to have direct adult (18 or older) supervision in all areas, at all times.
No double riding on ATVs unless unit was designed by the manufacturer for use by more than one rider.
Riders must stay on designated trails at all times. Trailblazing or creating new paths is strictly prohibited.
Racing, erratic or reckless riding, including speeding, is not permitted. We do not tolerate harassing other guests, aggressive or disrespectful/rude behavior.
Loud music or disruptive noise is prohibited while on the trails.
Trail and Riding Access
Trail riding is allowed only during the designated hours of 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Riding outside these hours is strictly prohibited and will be enforced.
No ATV or SXS are allowed inside the RV park or parked anywhere within the campground, including campsites.
All off-road vehicles must be offloaded and parked in the rear gravel area adjacent to the trail head, where they must remain when not in use. Peace River Oaks will not be held responsible for any theft or damage to private ATVs/SXSs. Golf carts, however, may be parked at campsites.
Enforcement and Penalties
Riders who violate these rules may lose their riding privileges, be asked to leave the property with no refund given, or face additional penalties as deemed necessary by park management.
By following these policies, we aim to maintain a safe and serene environment for all guests while offering an enjoyable ATV riding experience. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.